Monday, November 7, 2011

43.9% Android Smartphone Use Gingerbread

Android Gingerbread is now used in almost all Android devices, especially smartphones. Many vendors claim this operating system is well suited running on smartphones.

Gingerbread is now indeed become the Android operating system is widely used on Android devices.

Currently as many as 43.9 percent of the total android devices spread across the world, is using the Gingerbread operating system and make it a top Android operating system. After that FroYo which is the precursor of the Gingerbread operating system was still in second place with 40.7 percent share. It is quoted T3, Monday (11/07/2011).

This happens because the majority of Android devices, especially smartphones are many who adopt Gingerbread as deemed appropriate standardization runs on smartphones.

Some vendors such as Sony Ericsson's smartphone and HTC's Arc Sensation seems to remain loyal to use Gingerbread dengn latest version, ie 2.3.4.

However, with the presence of Ice Cream Sandwich as the latest Android operating system, it seems little will eliminate the dominance of Gingerbread. Because several smartphone vendors have announced an upgrade to the latest system from Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwich, although not yet as a whole.