Friday, March 4, 2011

Sloopy Google, It's Fun?

Google does a lot of interesting stuff, but nothing quite like "Sloppy Google."

The project, which is a mash-up of html5 canvas, javascript, processing.js, jQuery, Google Search API, according to the site's about page, aims to help people reimagine how the web could work.

It's also a lot of fun to see what types of results it comes up with.

A project called Sloppy Google will show you what that would be like.

According to TechCrunch, the project's creator, Yuin Chein, an MFA at Pasadena’s Art Center College of Design, wanted to show us what life would be like if Google were a sloppy, lazy, rude person who entered all our.

You can check out the Sloppy Google search yourself by heading to this site, but we have a hunch that you'll rush to switch back to the real thing very quickly.
tags :  google sloppy,, find chuck norris, gamepoint, google voice